Photo Friday: White Mountains, NH, USA – PART II

It’s time for another Photo Friday. I was traveling for business quite a bit in the past couple of weeks so I did not have the chance for longer nature walks. But I still have some images left from my last trip to the White Mountains in New Hampshire.

This is the second post in this mini-series. And as for the last time, the goal was to take some long-exposure-time shots. I am always amazed about the beauty of this area so close to my home. And must say that I rarely do one-day trips where I can take dozens of decent shots all from the same day and area. So, if you like those images, please also check out the first part of this posting.

Here are the images I have selected for today:

Photo Friday: White Mountains, NH, USA

And another Photo Friday with some images I just took last weekend. My parents are visiting us in the US and so we went on a day trip to the White Mountains in New Hampshire. This is my favorite hiking area in New England. But this time we focused more on long-exposure-time photography.

My parents brought a new gray filter for their camera and asked me for some advice on how to use it in the field. I knew some nice rivers and waterfalls in the White Mountains and so we went there for a day and worked on some images.

I drive up to NH about 5 times each year. If you live in the region here and like the outdoors you should give it a try. I guess, if you live here and like the outdoors you already did.

Here are the images I have selected for today:

Photo Friday: Acadia National Park, Maine, USA

It’s photo Friday again.  This time I will share some very recent pictures which I took during the last weekend.  Nadja and I decided to do a trip to the Acadia National Park in Maine for some hiking.

I was in Acadia the last time exactly 4 years ago, shortly before I moved to the US.  Last time, we went up there to convince ourselves that this move was a good idea.  And we indeed followed through with this short after.  This time, we came back as regular travelers.  And to enjoy the great hikes and all other things Acadia offers.

It might not be the biggest or most impressive of the National Parks.  But they allow our furry friend Marla on the trails.  And it is a special place to us which we can reach in a nice 5-hour drive.

Here are the images I have selected for today:

Photo Friday: Norway

It’s photo Friday.  And that means that it is time for another set of pictures I took in the past.  Today I will share some images from Norway.

I went to Norway twice.  The first time I was still in school and traveled across Norway for 6 weeks on my bicycle.  Yes, this is correct.  I was driving 2,500 miles (about 4,000 km) on my bicycle through those mountains.  This is as crazy as it sounds.  But on the upside: this was the first big trip with Nadja who I married later.  If you survive a trip like that when you are 15 years old, there is nothing you cannot survive as a couple later in life.

We went to Norway again 6 years ago, which was about 20 years after our first trip.  This time we drove a car and visited some of the places we have been to before – and many more.  This country is so beautiful.  We will be back, probably in 20 years to keep the pattern.

Here are the images I have selected for today:

Photo Friday: Sailing in Croatia

It’s photo Friday again.  I often will publish some of the images I took in the past years on Fridays.

Today I would like to share some pictures from a sailing trip to Croatia in 2009.  We first visited the Plitvice Lakes National Park which is one of the most beautiful places in the world.  The waterfall picture below was taken there.  From there, we drove to Murter to pick up our boat.  And then we sailed three weeks among the about 1200 islands of Croatia.

It truly was a great trip.  Here are the images I have selected for today:

First Post – or: About the Insanity of Being an Entrepreneur in Data Science


Ingo doing what he is doing best: explaining things nobody asked for.

Oooook, I finally made the step and created a space for my thoughts on data science, startup life, and photography. And all other things I deal with. The reason why I decided to do this is simple: there are not a lot of entrepreneurs in the data science field.  Founding a company is hard.  Data science is hard.  Doing both things at the same time is insane.

It should not surprise that over the years many people have reached out to me seeking for advice.  I love sharing insights or ideas so please continue to do so.  But what about those who do not have the chance to talk to me directly?  Exactly.  That’s when I realized that I should get my act together and spend some time on writing the stuff down.  Which is why I created this blog.

I also enjoy teaching others about the concepts of data science.  Which is why at one point I created the crazy video series 5 Minutes with Ingo.  This idea now is also the origin for the name of this blog.  If you want to learn more about machine learning and data science, you should check out those videos. But be warned: they are a bit quirky.

In the future, I will share lessons learned as an entrepreneur (where I still feel like an amateur) as well as on data science (which I know a thing or two about).  I mix in some photography posts – because I enjoy it and why not?

Hope you enjoy this little place here.  And let me know if you have anything on which you would like to get my perspective on.